This trip is going to be something special. We are going to visit the winery after the incredible trip that Carlos has made by a small plane, crossing the Arctic Circle to reach across Canada and Alaska. I hope he will tell us many interesting stories about his trip.
Sometimes I wonder what´s so special about the winemakers and their world. Many of them are romantics and strive to make a living with an activity in which the probabililty of failure is high when the result of much of your work is in the hands of nature.
Is there a better moment to visit a winemaker than doing it after he has done his last dream? And also to drink at the same time his wines, that are fantastic by the way. We will taste the White 2011Maryrit, the Qubel Revelación 2011, and the Qubel Nature. What a level of wines!
We are writing about a very small winery. But at the same time it is very nice, with a lot of charm, and very closed to Madrid. Everybody who visits it gets hacked by its unique style that exudes and its way of doing things with the heart. It is an opportunity you should not miss. More images of Qubel Winery.
Aferwards we would go to have lunch in a restaurant (lamb 35/40 euros, or tapas 15/20 euros) as you wish and enjoy Chinchón to turn to Madrid at around 19h . You can imagine how nice it is to eat and then enjoy the Plaza de Chinchon main square. (if its sunny it is like being in heaven)
The program would be:
11,15 h Departure from Madrid (Plaza del Conde de Casal)
12h Visit to Malpica de Tajo Winery from Osborne Group and tasting of 3 wines.
Los organizadores de la feria se pusieron en contacto conmigo para ver si podía conseguir bodegas españolas que estuvieran dispuestas a exponer en la 2ème édition du salon virtuel du vin, en París.
La idea me pareció interesante porque el mundo, lo que yo pregono, va por ahí.
Se lo propuse a diversas bodegas. Unas dijeron que se lo pensarían, otras que no, y únicamente Estrella Orti de Bodega Gosálbez Orti, se mostró dispuesta, no solo a participar como expositora sino como conferenciante presentando su bodega.
Estrella hizo una presentación en francés tremendamente didáctica sobre lo que es su Bodega, su filosofía (son ecológicos, aunque hacen un vino de altísima calidad que está presente en 13 países), y su fuerte apuesta por el turismo enológico.
¿Y qué tal le ha ido a Bodega Gosálbez Orti?¿Cómo se mide la eficacia de la presencia activa en una feria? Pues fundamentalmente por el número de contactos calientes y de interés que se generan, por el número de personas con las que uno se cita aprovechando la feria para verse de nuevo con los clientes actuales, por las cosas que uno ha visto, porque le permite a uno palpar qué se está haciendo en el sector. Por la cifra de ventas directas e indirectas que se generan.
Bueno, pues esos datos Bodega Gosálbez Orti no los va a facilitar, ni de esta feria, ni de ninguna otra. Saber lo bien que funciona una determinada feria es uno de los activos que una Bodega obtiene participando.
Pero es que estamos hablando de una feria virtual delvino, algo totalmente novedoso. Y esta Bodega se diferencia aparte de por muchas cosas que cuentanen su blogwinetoursmadrid.comy en Facebook por ser la única bodega española que asistió al evento y por tener una actitud mucho más emprendedora que el resto de miles de bodegas que hay en España. Meterse en charcos cómo éste no hará sino obtener una mayor y más clara diferenciación.
Y el juego en 2011 en el mundo del vino va de calidad, por supuesto y de muchos otros atributos, pero uno importantísimo… el de diferenciarse de la competencia.
Yo también participé como ponente en la feria, y mi participación tuvo una dificultad añadida que le dio algo más de reto a mi intervención. Y es que mi nivel de francés no era tan elevado como el de Estrella. Por ello acordamos que las preguntas se me harían en francés y que yo respondería en inglés. Fue una bonita experiencia que espero poder colgar en cuanto solucione un pequeño problema que tengo con el audio que realicé del mismo.
Invito a mis lectores que visiten y beban los vinos de Bodega Gosálbez Orti, porque además de muchas otras cualidades, es… una Bodega “distinta” y “única”.
The idea seemed interesting to me because the world that I proclaimed turns around internet.
With this proposal I approached several wineries, some said they would have to think about it, some others said a straight no, only Estrella Orti from Gosalbez-Orti winery (Madrid), was willing not only to participate as speaker but as a conference lecturer, presenting her winery and the whole project around wine production.
Estrella gave an excellent presentation in French, explained the basis of her winery, the philosophy evolving wine (they produce high quality organic wines which are distributed in 13 countries) and above all, they are strongly committed to wine tourism.
And the questions are: How did it go with Bodega Gosálbez Orti at the virtual fair? How can you measure the effectiveness of their active presence at the fair? Well, main evaluation comes by the number of hot contacts obtained at the fair , the degree of general interest shown by the visitors , the number of appointments generated , the future encounters with actual clients , the number of direct and indirect sales generated, by general observation and what one has seen along the event, and finally for the direct feeling of what is being done in the wine sector .
In no case Gosálbez Orti is going to provide data , on this or any other fair event. The knowledge of how well it worked in a specific fair is an asset to the winery that gets involved.
You should keep in mind that we are talking about avirtual wine trade show, something totally new in the wine market. But Gosalbez-Orti winery is different for many reasons others than shown in their blogwinetoursmadrid.comand Facebook bodega qubel , but for being the only Spanish winery who attended this event and have a much more entrepreneurial sense than the rest of thousands of wineries in Spain . Getting into this kind of adventures gives them a much better and clearer differentiation.
Among wine producers the world game in 2011 tends for quality and many more attributes, like the very important fact of standing out from competition.
I also participated as a speaker at the fair show and my participation had an added difficulty that gave me more challenge to my statements. This was about my difficulty of speaking French and not being able to communicate as fluent as Estrella did in her speech. For this reason we agreed that my questioning would have to be made in French and I would respond in English. Besides this minor problem, the whole virtual wine fair was a nice experience and I hope to hang soon a post after fixing some trouble I had with the edited audio.
I invite my readers to visit, taste and drink the wines from Bodega Gosálbez Orti, among other qualities, you will find a different winery «, I think it is «unique.»