Visit to Vicente Gandía´s winery and visit to Cuenca (2)

It comes from: Visit to Vicente Gandía´s winery and visit to Cuenca (1)

Casas colgadas de Cuenca by night

On the way back to Madrid we decided to go to visit Cuenca. I had already been in Cuenca when I was 16 years old at school. But at this time I was a boy who had not slept the previous night, so I did not put attention to it. For this reason I had quite a limited a worng image about Cuenca

We caught a good offer to sleep at the Parador de Cuenca. We were very lucky to get to Cuenca by night, on a clear night.

At that moment it seemed to me  to be in front of me the most wonderful spectacle of the world. I could see a very nice town, as taken from a fairy tale, with a lot of charm  and veri well illuminated. There’s nothing like having no expectations about something. I recognize that this expression (most wonderful spectacle of the world) I’ve used it sevral times when referring about travelling, wine, and other situations. It is not my intention to establish a scientific ranking, I just want to express how I feel when I see something exceptional. As I do not earn my living as a wine taster or as a tour guide, I leave myself to express in such an emotional way. After all, what are we talking about most of the time but about emotions?

It was an amazing night, with a lot of magic. Find enclosed some images, that are not as good than what my memory recalls. 

The next day we had a fantastic breakfast (the Parador is not far behind in terms of attractiveness). And we went to see the city by day. The effect that the city provoked on me was not as impresive as the one we had by night. Nevertheless , there’s nothing like the first impression for anything.

If you go to Cuenca I recommend you to do the same as I did. Arrive at early night.

[Breakfast menu at the Parador

We got out of Cuenca to visit the «Ciudad Encantada” which is 20 miles away. It is quite interesting an a very good complement to what we did the previous day (Winery visit, Cuenca).

If I was the Marketing Manager of Bodegas Vicente Gandia I would consider to make a package, (visit to the winery and visit to Cuenca included) at a competitive price and making the winery´s visit a lot more attractive.

La Ciudad Encantada

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